tall building

tall building
1. высотное здание
2. небоскрёб

English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.

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Смотреть что такое "tall building" в других словарях:

  • tall — [tôl] adj. [ME tal, dexterous, seemly < OE (ge)tæl, swift, prompt, akin to OHG gizal, swift < IE base * del , to aim > TALE, TELL1] 1. of more than normal height or stature [a tall man, a tall building] 2. having a specified height [five …   English World dictionary

  • building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… …   Universalium

  • building — n. 1) to build, erect, put up; renovate a building 2) to demolish, raze, tear down a building 3) to gut a building (fire gutted the building) 4) a dilapidated, gutted, ramshackle, tumbledown; low; tall building 5) an apartment (AE); public… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • tall — adj. & adv. adj. 1 of more than average height. 2 of a specified height (looks about six feet tall). 3 higher than the surrounding objects (a tall building). 4 colloq. extravagant or excessive (a tall story; tall talk). adv. as if tall; proudly;… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tall, lofty, high — Each of these terms means having greater than ordinary height, extending upward. Which of them to use depends upon what is being mentioned: one refers to a tall or lofty tree, a high or lofty mountain, a high wall, a tall woman, and a lofty… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • tall — W2S2 [to:l US to:l] adj comparative taller superlative tallest [: Old English; Origin: getAl quick, ready ] 1.) a person, building, tree etc that is tall is a greater height than normal ▪ He was young and tall. ▪ a house surrounded by tall trees… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Building science — is the collection of scientific knowledge that focuses on the analysis and control of the physical phenomena affecting buildings. This includes the detailed analysis of building materials and building envelope systems.The practical purpose of… …   Wikipedia

  • Tall Zira'a — The Tall Zira a (or: Tell Zera a) is one of the most promising talls of Palestine. Surveys and geophysical investigations showed the site’s great potential for excavations. Presumably, an almost continuous stratigraphy from Early Bronze Age to… …   Wikipedia

  • tall — adjective 1 a person, building, tree etc that is tall has a greater than average height: 6 ft/2 metres etc tall: I m only five feet tall. see high 1 2 AmE a tall drink has a small amount of alcohol mixed with a large amount of a non alcoholic… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Building code — Code Violation: This concrete block wall is penetrated by cable trays and cables. The hole should be firestopped to restore the fire resistance rating of the wall. Instead, it is filled with flammable polyurethane foam. A building code, or… …   Wikipedia

  • building — noun 1 house, church, school, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ big, high rise, huge, large, massive, tall, towering ▪ low, low rise …   Collocations dictionary

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